73/8 ~ 75/7基礎科學教學小組創意小組召集人
73/8 ~ 75/7國立交通大學助教
75/8 ~ 89/7國立交通大學講師
89/8 ~ 92/7國立交通大學助理教授
92/8 ~ 106/7國立交通大學副教授
103/2 ~105/7國立交通大學通識教育中心(代理)主任
106/8 ~ 國立交通大學教授
2017/12入選遠見文化教育基金會「未來教育 台灣一百」
1. Chun-Yi Lee, Kin Hang Lei , Ming-Jang Chen, Tai-Yih Tso, I-Ping Chen (2018, Feb). Enhancing Understanding through the Use of Structured Representations. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, ,2018,14(5), 1875-1886. MOST 106-2511-S-305-001.
2. Chen, M. J., Lee, C. Y., Lei, K. H., & Tso, T. Y. (2017, Jun). Multimedia Instruction Presented by Integrated Context Enhances Understanding of Compass-and-Straightedge Construction. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(7), 3735-3752. (SSCI, 76/224). MOST 101-2511-S-009-006-MY2. 本人為第一作者. (2014 Impact Factor 1.016, Ranking: 76/224).
3. Lee, C. Y.,& Chen, M. J. (2016, Nov). Developing a questionnaire on technology-integrated mathematics instruction - A case study of the AMA training course in Xinjiang and Taiwan.. British Journal of Educational Technology, 47(6),1287–1303. MOST 101-2511-S-009-006-MY2.
4. Sun, J. C.-Y., Chang, C., Chen, M.-J., & Lin, Y.-Y. (2016, Mar). Effects of enhanced element-managed instruction integrated with tablet PC-based collaborative polling on fifth graders' sight-word reading performance. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 10(1/2), 102-116.
5. Lee, C. Y., & Chen, M. J. (2015, Dec). Effects of Polya Questioning Instruction for geometry reasoning in junior high school. . Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 11(6), 1-15.
6. Chen, M. J., Lee, C. Y.,& Hsu, W. Z. (2015, Sep). Influence of mathematical representation and mathematics self-efficacy on the learning effectiveness of fifth graders in pattern reasoning. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 13(1), 1-16.. 本人為第一作者.
7. Lee, C. Y., & Chen, M. J. (2015, Jan). Effects of worked examples using manipulatives on fifth graders’ learning performance and attitude toward mathematics. Educational Technology and Society, 18(1 ), 264-275. MOST 101-2511-S-009-006-MY2.
8. Lee, C. Y., & Chen, M. J (2014, Aug). The impacts of virtual manipulatives and prior knowledge on geometry learning performance in junior high school. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 50(2),179-201. MOST 101-2511-S-305-001.
9. Lee, C. Y., Chen, M. J., Chang, W. L. (2014, Apr). The effects of multiple solution and question prompt on generalization and justification for non-routine mathematical problem solving in a computer game context. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, , 10(2), 89-99. (SSCI, 76/224,Education & Educational Research)).
10. 程芷萱,陳明璋,李俊儀(2017年05月)。以習慣領域與認知負荷理論探討排版模式對學生文言文閱讀的影響。習慣領域期刊,06,8(1),67-87。本人為通訊作者。
11. 蘇柏奇,陳明璋,顏貽隆(2016年12月)。拋物線的切線族交出奇跡。數學傳播季刊,40(4), 47-56。本人為通訊作者。
12. 陳明璋,李俊儀,李健恆,楊晨意(2016年11月)。逐步引導注意力之多媒體教學設計對圓切線性質學習之成效研究。臺灣數學教育期刊, 3(2), 2-30。科技部:101-2511-S-009-006-MY2。本人為第一作者。
1. Lee, C. Y., & Chen, M. J. . Influence of prior knowledge and teaching approaches integrating non-routine worked examples and virtual manipulatives on the performance and attitude of fifth-graders in learning equivalent fractions. International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Mathematics with Virtual Manipulatives. Springer Publishers. Dec, 2015.
- 2017/08/01~2020/07/31 主持人
可操作性幾何構圖環境之研發 - 數學與藝術
(106-2511-S-009-006-MY3) - 2015/08/01~2017/10/31 主持人
(104-2511-S-009-004-MY2) - 2017/08/01~2018/09/30共同主持人
(106-2511-S-305-001-) - 2015/08/01~2016/07/31 共同主持人