110年度暑期優質通識課程全國夏季學院又來囉! 今年全國夏季學院共有46門課程,提供同學暑期進修、 跨校交流及學分認抵的機會,其中有43門實體課程, 不只在北部有開課,上課地點遍及全台,暑假返鄉還能就近上課。 另外還有3門遠距課程(線上課程+2次實體課程), 減少同學交通往返的時間。
您是否已經安排了暑期學習計畫呢? 快跟來自不同大專院校的同學們一起加入夏季學院! 把握暑假修習通識課程!
夏季學院線上選課系統自04/28 (三) 12:00 開放今年度帳號申請及選課。
一階:110/04/28 (三) 12:00 至 110/05/03 (一) 17:00
二階:110/05/19 (三) 12:00 至 110/05/24 (一) 17:00
三階:110/06/09 (三) 12:00 至 110/06/11 (五) 12:00
★今年在兩階段繳費結束、確認開課課程後, 還有第三階段線上加選喔!第三階段僅開放已確定開課課程之剩餘名 額加選。
★擁有低收入戶、中低收入戶、清寒證明,且修課成績及格學生, 將可申請全額退還學分費。
夏季學院線上選課系統:http://www.n2.org. tw/enter/login
夏季學院課程資訊:http://www.n2.org.tw/ enter/lesson
查詢認抵資訊(點選貴校):http://www.n2. org.tw/enter/reconized_list/ start
FB粉絲專頁:http://www.facebook. com/N2.Center/
IG專頁:https://www.instagram. com/summercollege/
全國夏季學院公務信箱:n2summerntu@gmail. com
Dear Student,
Quality courses of the 2021 Summer College are here again! Prestigious instructors across Taiwan join forces to run 46 courses in the Summer College, offering students opportunities for learning, inter-college exchange and getting credits in summer. Do you have any idea for your summer learning plan already? Hurry and join students from different universities in the Summer College!
Online enrollment system is open for account registration and course enrollment starting fromWednesday, Apr 28th.(Stage Enrollment)
First Stage Enrollment: From 12:00 on Wednesday, April 28th, 2021 to 17:00 on Monday, May 3rd, 2021.
Second Stage Enrollment: From 12:00 on Wednesday, May 19th, 2021 to 17:00 on Monday, May 24th, 2021.
Third Stage Enrollment: From 12:00 on Wednesday, June 9th, 2021 to 12:00 on Friday, June 11st, 2021.
Please do not hesitate to contact us, should you have any further queries.
Online Enrollment System of the Summer College:http://www.n2.org.tw/
Course Information of the Summer College:http://www.n2.org.tw/ enter/lesson
Information on Credit Acquisition and Verification: http://www.n2.org.tw/enter/ reconized_list/start
Contact Information:Email: n2summerntu@gmail.com
Kind regards,
Summer College Working Team
夏季學院線上選課系統自04/28 (三) 12:00 開放今年度帳號申請及選課。
一階:110/04/28 (三) 12:00 至 110/05/03 (一) 17:00
二階:110/05/19 (三) 12:00 至 110/05/24 (一) 17:00
三階:110/06/09 (三) 12:00 至 110/06/11 (五) 12:00
Dear Student,
Quality courses of the 2021 Summer College are here again! Prestigious instructors across Taiwan join forces to run 46 courses in the Summer College, offering students opportunities for learning, inter-college exchange and getting credits in summer. Do you have any idea for your summer learning plan already? Hurry and join students from different universities in the Summer College!
Online enrollment system is open for account registration and course enrollment starting fromWednesday, Apr 28th.(Stage Enrollment)
First Stage Enrollment: From 12:00 on Wednesday, April 28th, 2021 to 17:00 on Monday, May 3rd, 2021.
Second Stage Enrollment: From 12:00 on Wednesday, May 19th, 2021 to 17:00 on Monday, May 24th, 2021.
Third Stage Enrollment: From 12:00 on Wednesday, June 9th, 2021 to 12:00 on Friday, June 11st, 2021.
Please do not hesitate to contact us, should you have any further queries.
Online Enrollment System of the Summer College:http://www.n2.org.tw/
Course Information of the Summer College:http://www.n2.org.tw/
Information on Credit Acquisition and Verification: http://www.n2.org.tw/enter/
Contact Information:Email: n2summerntu@gmail.com
Kind regards,
Summer College Working Team