

A Debate on the History of Mathematics:  The West or the East?
日期|109.12.02 14:00-17:00
Date: December 2,2020 14:00-17:00
Venue: Room 106A, Humanities Building 2, NCTU
Host / Discussants|Yuan-Horng Chu, Professor, Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, NCTU
講者|凃子謙 (布里斯托爾大學講師)
Speaker|Tzuchien Tho, Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of Bristol
    ‘’A Defense of Anachronism: Contextualism and Speculation in the History of Philosophy and Science’’
Tzuchien Tho is a philosopher and historian of science. He is currently lecturer at the University of Bristol. Previously, he has been affiliated with the Jan van Eyck Academie in Maastricht (NL), the École Normale Supérieure in Paris (Rue D’Ulm), the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (Berlin), Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, the Institute for Research in the Humanities (University of Bucharest) and the University of Milan.
He is currently working on a research project on causality in 18th century physics, focusing on the development of analytical mechanics. He is also currently working on issues related to Badiou’s mathematical ontology, the philosophy of algebra, Leibniz reception in the 20th century, and the critique of contextualism as historical methodology. 
講者|博佳佳Charlotte-V. Pollet(交通大學通識中心副教授)
Speaker|Associate professor, Center for General Education, NCTU
   ‘’The Context and the Proof: the Current Debate in History of Ancient Mathematics’’
Charlotte Pollet is associate professor in National Chiao-Tung University (Taiwan). She received her dual Ph.D from Paris 7 University and National Taiwan Normal University in history and didactic of mathematics. As an educational specialist, she works on the development and promotion of new philosophical practices in Taiwan. She recently launched the yearly event ‘the philosophy week’ and founded an NGO ‘PhiloZokids’. As historian of sciences, her research interests concern the transmission and elaboration of mathematical objects and procedures in Asia. She investigates pre-modern mathematical texts written in Chinese or Sanskrit and their historiography. She is the author of “The Empty and the Full: Li Ye and the Way of Mathematics” (World Scientific).
*英文演講(中文同步口譯) Lecture in English (Chinese Simultaneous Interpretation provided)
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