All Announcement
- CategoryTitleTime
- OtherAward winners of the 2019 NCTU "Taiwan and International Cultural Issues" Essay Solicitation2019-11-18
- Teaching & ResearchForeword by tenured professorial chair Lien-te Hung—History of Austria by Dr. Tzu-hsin Tu, assistant2019-10-22
- EventsDirector Chao-kuang Lin and other staff of the ECHSS at National Yang Ming University visited the c2019-10-21
- Teaching & ResearchAnalysis and Appreciation of Turgenev's Prose and Novels by Lien-te Hung, Taipei: Wu-Nan Book Inc., 2019-09-10
- Teaching & ResearchNCTU Center for General Education associate professor Yi-hung Chiu is awarded Fulbright Research Gra2019-08-23
- EventsProfessor Wei-an Chang assumed a post as director of the Center for General Education from August 1,2019-08-22
- OtherCongratulations to Dr. Lien-te Hung on his appointment as NCTU tenured professorial chair2019-06-27
- Teaching & ResearchProfessor Chuang's speech announcement2019-05-08
- OtherRecruitment of Technicians at the Center for General Education2019-05-08
- Teaching & Research2018 Teaching Workshop held by the Creative Team of the Office of Academic Affairs2018-10-29
- Teaching & ResearchEighth Calligraphy Competition for Local and International Students of National Chiao Tung Universit2018-10-29
- Teaching & Research2018 Call for Papers- Taiwan Journal of General Education on Sep 17, 20182018-09-17
- Teaching & Research大葉大學與政治大學、中華民國通識教育學會等共同舉辦「21世紀大學理念國際學術研討會暨三十六屆全國通識教育教師研習會」2018-09-06
- Courses Info2018 Summer College general education courses for recognition and acceptance2018-04-20
- EventsDocumentation of 2018 teaching workshop activities2018-11-29
- EventsWinners of the 2018 NCTU calligraphy competition2018-11-19
- EventsProfessor Mei-ling Huang won the 2018 Excellent Teacher Award from the Ministry of Education2018-07-20
- Events好消息!講座教授洪鎌德博士在今年初出版第48本專著《馬克思與時代批判》 (台北:五南圖書出版公司,2018,共386頁)=107.1.22018-01-02
- Events賀王美鴻老師榮獲106年教育部服務學習績優教師。2017-12-19
- Courses InfoAward winners in the NCTU calligraphy competition 20172017-12-01